The Calm Before The Storm…

It’s Wednesday night as I type this and I’m just home from work. Hurricane is making its way up through the Atlantic. Sitting here making a list of things I need to do to be ready for the inevitable power outage and all that comes with it. I have water jugs filled for drinking, cooking, washing and flushing. I have wood inside for the stove, food in the fridge and plenty of candles. I’m charging my little tablet so that I can still do some writing and my little power bank is full up to keep the phone going.

It’s not too much to have to do, but, you know, you gotta do it.

The worst thing when one of these storms hits is being unprepared.

I can’t help but draw a parallel between the coming storm and the adventure I’m about to undertake with this place. I love a good big storm. Sitting in a cozy warm house while the wind and rain batter everything around it makes me happy and usually there’s a day or two of really fun surf that comes with it as well. I know this cause I’ve been through it more than once or twice and am able to be prepared, even if there’s always something that comes up that it totally unexpected, be it fallen trees across the dirt road, long power outages, or something else. I feel like this campground adventure is like that but with a situation for which I am totally unprepared. I don’t know what this big event is going to look like and all my preparations are the equivalent of knowing about something by reading about it in books or watching youtube tutorials. The real thing is always weirder and throws things at you that no one prepares you for. At the end of the day, it’ll all work out one way or the other, and the learning is half the fun, I think?

Only one way to know, I suppose…




We’re Friggin’ Doin’ It